Important Notices

Bombay School

Bombay School

Ake Runga - Our Best Always


Nau mai, haere mai, tena koutou katoa - Welcome

Above: Our amazing team of 2025 School Leaders received their leaders' shirts at our first assembly for the year.

Wai - The Essence of Life. Wearable Arts Production

Out of Zone Applications

updated 13 March 2025: At present, there are no out of zone spaces for 2025

The Rock Show - an insight

Music Teacher, Nick Warner, and several of his school bands, show cased their talents at a special school only concert. Here is a small insight. Enjoy!

Tangaroa's Gift

The Kotare (junior school's) production of Tangaroa's Gift can be viewed below.

These are the evening productions. Tuesday's is on the left and Wednesday's is on the right. 

Slide show for new entrant families starting in Term 3 2024

Uniform Shop Information

Bombay School Uniform

The Uniform Room is usually open on Monday evenings during term time from 5:15-6:15pm.

Mondays that the Uniform Room is to be closed are advertised in the school newsletter.

At the Uniform Room, students can try on uniform and orders can be placed and paid for by eftpos, credit card, cash or internet banking.

Ordering and Payment

If you know what items you require and the sizes, then ordering can be done online. Order forms are available for download on the school website – once filled out, please email to the school office and submit your payment. Payment can be made via internet banking or via the school office. Alternatively hand your order in to the school office.

Drop Off and Pick Ups

The school uses the Rugby Club carpark, opposite the school, as well as the Barber road entrance for drop offs and pick ups. Please keep the bus bays in Barber Road clear at all times.

Please do not park in the staff carpark or in the play centres carpark. The disabled carpark only for permit holders 24/7.

Some insights into the wonderful experiences children enjoy at Bombay School.

Some Insights