Important Notices

Bombay School

Bombay School

Ake Runga - Our Best Always

Enrolment in 2025

Thank you for thinking of enrolling your child at our school. We encourage you to sit down with your child to look at the videos presented here.  We find that this helps to provide your child with an insight into the school. It also creates prompts for discussion about the school and helps to calm any anxiety that may be present.

How to enrol your child.

Please watch the video above.

How to order the uniform.

Please watch the video above.

A slide show to show your child

Some fun things that we do at Bombay School

Mini Gala

Approximately three times a year we have a mini gala.  Here is a video showing you some of the treats you get to have on mini gala day.

Hear are some of the fun things that you get to do at a mini gala.  You will enjoy every second of the gala.

Calf Club

Calf Club (aka Ag Day) is a huge event on the Bombay School calendar.  In 2023 our school will be running its 87th calf club.  Our calf club is the largest in the country. It gets thousands of visitors on the day and raises approximately $45 000.00 for the school.

However the day is not about fundraising. It is about the school connecting children to the land and the primary sector. It's about teaching the skills required to raise an animal and an appreciation for animals.  Below are a few videos that will give you a snapshot into calf club. Enjoy.


Sport plays a huge role in school life at Bombay.  Our sports teams are well known for their successes in Franklin school sport. We may be a small school but we pack a rural punch!

Our students frequently place in the top three.  Because are school is smaller than the Intermediate for example, our children stand a greater chance of being picked for teams to represent our school. Small pond - bigger fish.  In a bigger school, where competition to get into teams is harder, it can be harder to get selected.  Our smaller school ensures that everyone gets multiple opportunities to shine.

Our school participates in the following sports:

Netball Swimming
Athletics School Cricket
Orienteering Cross Country
Touch Soccer
Some teams attend Aims Games Various inter school competitions

Junior Cross Country

Tuhono Swim Sports

Senior Cross Country

Kotare Swimming Demonstration


Kung Fu

Te Reo & Tikanga Maori 

Assemblies - building inter-house competitive spirit

Fun things we do at school

Dunk the teacher.

ANZAC Day singers

Caring about others.

Hour of code

Dads helping out at school

Bike Day


Folk dance

STEAM lessons

EPro 8 Challenge

Making rockets

Cultural Days

Wet 'n Wild Day


Wheels Day

Line dancing

Camping : Kauwau Camp (2hours)

Tuhono (Yr3-4), Kotuitui(Yr5-6) and Kakahu (Yr 7-8) go camping every year.

Dream ride to school

Remote control car day

C02 Drag Racers